About Us

Dr Tom Houlihan
Orthodontist: B.Dent.SC, (Trinity College Dublin), MSD (Univ of Washington).
Dr Tom Houlihan was in general practice for 20 years before he decided to take 3 years off in order to study orthodontics in the USA. He did his specialty training in the University of Washington, Seattle, graduating in 2011.
Tom then started his orthodontic practice in The Hermitage Medical Clinic, having joined the Burlington Dental Clinic group. His passion is creating a beautiful smile along with establishing a healthy occlusion (the dynamics of the bite). His specialty training in the US, has encouraged this passion and has established a standard second to none in relation to the dynamics of orthodontics.
His specialties lie in early intervention, teenage orthodontics and adult orthodontics, liaising if necessary with the other specialties of periodontology, restorative and general practice.

Dr Catherine Houlihan
Dr Catherine Houlihan is part of the orthodontic treatment team in Lucan. Catherine shares Tom’s commitment to excellent patient care.
Catherine graduated in dentistry from Trinity College, Dublin in the year 2000 and has now joined Tom’s practice in Lucan as an orthodontic assistant.
Catherine is an experienced clinician and brings to the practice great patient understanding.